Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Hearing God's Voice

Why is it that everyone says things get easier the more often you do them? I have lost count of how often I taught Communion with God, but it doesn't get easier, it blinking gets harder!!

Now I taught it at my homegroup last night (post Alpha group, wildly mixed types of people....) and I could feel the waves of disapproval coming from 3 - 4 members of my little group. Add to that the fact that I had to split it in two, as one cell group evening is really not long enough to teach it, and it was a harrowing experience. In fact, I stopped the whole proceedings about halfway through and said to them "Look, I know this is stretching you - I was sitting where you are now a little over a year ago - all I ask is that you keep an open mind."

For the first time since I've been teaching this, I kept on apologising for the concept until I distinctly "heard God's voice" (*grins*) telling me to stop apologising and get on with the job. So I did. Noone can tell me I'm not being obedient. It went a bit better after that, as I suddenly understood that I was more worried about what the group thought of me than what God thought of me (duh!) but I'm not convinced that they'll come back next time.

And whilst we're on the subject, seeing that I love teaching this so much, I'm going to be teaching it on our Prayer Ministry Training Day on Saturday too. Oh Joy.

In other news, I went to see my Vocations Consultant on Monday. That's the guy who is meant to be "walking alongside me on my path of discernment" for CofE selection. He informed me that he thought I would have to come to terms with the fact that I might not get into college this academic year (starting this September), but might have to wait until next year. So another year of in-betweens. Maybe I have to seriously start looking at the concept of "active waiting". Passive waiting is becoming too draining. So I'd value prayers for a meeting that will be set up between me and the DDO (yes, more cryptic words - he's the Diocesan Director of Ordinands - the guy who makes the decision whether or not to send me to a selection conference. Or even when to send me to a selection conference. All very complicated). That meeting will be in February and will more or less decide whether it's going to be this or next academic year.

So - any ideas what to do in the next 20 months? Suggestions on a postcard. :-D


At 10:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Aunty Kat:)

Well you've been given a hard time this week. It's a struggle isn't it, teaching God to people who don't understand (yet)- but I'd pay good money to see the looks on their faces (and yours) when God breaks through to them.

I was sitting in their place once - thinking this is very interlectual, struggling to get my head around it - then suddenly at the first opportunity - there was God, loud and clear.

As for the next 20 months - keep stretching yourself and challenging yourself, listen to God, take Him seriously - try not to take yourelf too seriously. Give yourself time to chill and reflect - and smile, your on the winning team!


At 5:59 am, Blogger Lee said...

Hi Kat
You could spend the next 20 months starting a cult of some sort, I think in that time you'd have it at least as cultish as TACF!
Then, just as people are starting to complain again you can ditch the whole thing and become a real life vicar!
Now there's a plan!
Or maybe I've just been living in Marmac too long and can't think rational thoughts any more.
Did you know Marmac has been sold and we move out on 11th Feb? A sad sad day :-(

At 6:37 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whud up Kat?
Lee's high on getting married, don't listen to him. I'm proud of you for talking on conflicting subject! Good of you to stop in the middle and level with them too. Don't let anything hold you back...GO FOR IT! Also, start school. DO IT! I'm going back and trying to cram 4 years of college into 2. Wait...yeah. Turns out I'm not a mastermind like I'd hoped. =( RIGHT...back to you. I hope you can get school out of the way now, and then relax later. Whatever door opens, I hope it's fun! You're great Kat.

At 9:22 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's see Kat in 20 months you can

Find a guy get married and have 2 kids (back to back)
Go to Devry and get a degree in computer stuff
Visit IHOP and just kinda "forget" to go home
Learn another language (how many do you know)
Alphabetize all the items in your apartment
Visit SE Asia and help with the relief efforts there
Learn how to knit
Take up photography, become a photojournalize and get published and make tons of money and come visit me
Start memorizing large portions of scriptue
Read the Bible from start to finish
Learn how to be patient
Start a ministry in_________ (I'll let you decide)
learn how to say "Jesus" in 127 differnt languages
Create the worlds largest lego creation
Draw closer to the Lord so you will be at the place HE wants you when you start school!


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