Saturday, August 06, 2005

Excercise and dogs

I decided today that I ought to do some excercise. I'm not sure how long this marvellous decision will last (so far I have only decided, I haven't acutally DONE any excercise). But I have the best of starts - I will be housesitting for friends over the next couple of weeks, which includes dog-sitting. Meaning I will have to go out with the dog every day.

Did I mention that I want a dog? Some mixed one, not a pedigree. But I might have to wait a few years yet - having a dog at college might not work well. But who knows...

(Have you heard of the insomniac dyslexic agnostic, who lay awake at night wondering whether there was a dog?)


At 11:48 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI Kat! Hey I have to housesit soon too! They have a dog but it's a small pomeranian.

Hey Kat, just to let you know, I no longer am going to update the blog you have listed in your list of links. Please replace it with


At 1:14 pm, Blogger Kat said...

Done! Your blog link is updated...


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