Monday, July 11, 2005


I led the main service yesterday. I spent Friday and Saturday fretting about it, and in the end it went really well. God was there, (obviously) and I actually enjoyed myself. Apart from the beginning, where I had to say a few words of welcome to the German contingent who was over here for an exchange - I totally confused myself with the two languages and had to concentrate VERY hard. But, apart from that, I think it went reasonably well.

I also have now worked out why God has called me to this specific life. I think if He hadn't called me to leadership, and thrown me in at the deep end, He'd never get me to pray. When things bumble along nicely, I tend to conveniently "forget" about prayer and bible study. So God has to keep me on my toes with regular challenges, and hopefully by the time the challenges have become more of a regular feature, my prayer life will have become such a habit that I won't need the panics to get me back to Him.


At 7:52 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kat! Happy to hear that you are doing ok and that you are safe! Sorry I've been off the blog scene for awhile and am back. My blog is fully functioning again.

God bless and take care!



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