Wednesday, April 27, 2005

And Finally....

I will tell the world what happened. It's sort of semi-official, I told my vocations consultant yesterday and basically he now knows. That doesn't mean that things are sorted, b/c as you will see from this post (warning! Long!) it's rather complicated.

So here goes, for simplicity's sake, I am going to paste parts of what I put into my journal.

This all happened at Spring Harvest, at the beginning/middle of this month.


I went to a seminar on prayer and posture. One of the excercises was “cupping your hands as if you were holding a butterfly or something else delicate, putting your passion/dream/loved one in there and then let them/it go to God”. I put my ministry in there and it took me a long while until I could let it go to God. I realised that I had been holding on to this and acting out of my own strength.


The evening celebration was led by Chrissie and Gerard Kelly and Mia Hilborn (anglican vicar) was preaching. Halfway through the evening I felt God was telling me to go up to Chrissie and tell her five things that God would do in her life. As it turned out, two of which she’s already walking in. But I thought I can’t do this, this is like teaching your grandmother to suck eggs etc. I nearly didn’t do it in fact. I had to wait b/c she was talking to someone else and I very very nearly walked away. Anyways, I didn’t and it turned out that she and Gerard had handed in their notice at SH leadership in order to pursue different avenues. And the day before they had been walking along the beach and praying that God would send guidance as to what she should do in particular, as this new avenue was more for Gerard than for her.

So we ended up chatting a bit and I mentioned in passing that I wanted to talk to Mia as she is where I want to get - vicar in the CofE. But I thought that she had already left anyways, so I never thought about it that much. But soon after, she walked past and Chrissie grabbed her and introduced me.

Mia asked what she could do for me and I said that I would just like a tip or two as I was in the process for ordination selection and am a bit stuck. she asked what diocese I was in and I answered “Chichester” to which she replied “oh dear”. And then she asked me if I had a mobile number and if she could have it as she would pass it on to Pete Broadbent. He would then ring me, as he could give me better advice than her. I forgot about it b/c I thought oh well he’s real busy as a bishop and being SH leadership and running seminars etc.


I’m standing at the bar in the “Sun and Moon” pub when my mobile goes: “Hello this is Pete Broadbent here I’m trying to contact Katrin. Where are you?” (I’m in the pub bishop!). “oh so you’re in the pub. Will you be there long? I’ll come right now and see you”.

what then followed is not easily recorded. Basically, we chatted for a little while, I told him about my problems with Chichester and my Director of Ordinands, he got rather indignant, especially when he found out that I was 29 and they put me off for a year. Then he proceeded to tell me that if I thought that God was calling me to worship in Willesden, he could do something about this. Anyways, he said for me to pray about it and speak to my vicar, and get back to him. He basically said if I decided to go for it there would be a good chance he could get me in this year, and even if he can’t he’ll find me a job for a year.

With that he left. And left me dumbstruck.


After the morning celebration I decide to catch Chrissie b/c I couldn’t face the evening yesterday after all that happened.

Mia comes off stage first: “Oh I heard that you spoke to Pete. He was very impressed. He means what he says, you know.”

Then Chrissie: “Oh Katrin. I heard you spoke to Pete. It was real funny b/c we were sitting together yesterday and I said to him there’s this German girl who gave me this great prophecy just when I needed it. And he said Oh I also spoke to a German girl today - I wonder if she’s the same. Must be. I was very impressed with her. I could see God in her. I’d absolutely love to have her in my diocese but it’s up to her.”


After talking to my vicar (who was killing himself laughing) I sent an email to the bish, telling him I’d like to go ahead with his proposal. Thinking that it’ll be a week or so before I hear back.


Phone goes at 5.30 pm - Bishop Pete. Hello Katrin. I’d like you to contact my ADO, Jackie, on this number. She’s going on holiday the end of this month so see if you can get in before then.
Me: What are the implications of this?
Pete: the implications are that I’m sponsoring you.
Me: do you need to speak to Richard?
Pete: Already have spoken to him this afternoon.
Pete: I need four references from you - work, pastoral, friend, academic. Can you sort that out? Thanks. God Bless. Bye.


At 11:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So now it is (semi) public! I have heard this a few times now but it still amazes me. So many times I have seen God come through for you just when everything looks impossible. This is the sort of thing that inspires me and reminds me how powerful and faithful God is. But I know there now follows a period of hard work for you, studying, reading, writing essays etc. I'll pray strength for you to see that through.

God bless

At 3:30 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay Kat! It's finally known. Praise God! I'll be prayin for ya.


At 4:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to hear the wonderful news! This is a stone of remembrance on your journey.

andy- IHOP Kansas City

At 5:22 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kat,

This story is still cool to read it again and again to God's faithfulness...remember it cause you can look back on it as a reminder during the "tough" times!

Love you Lots and Lots...



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