Lots but not much.
Well there's been no updates for a little while because there 's nothing to update on. However, there is loads going on. The issue is that I can't go public with this yet. So even though I'm bursting to tell you all, it's not possible at the moment.Suffice it to say that I had a theophany (if you don't know what it is, look it up ;-) ) and God has done a wonderful thing which resulted in my life being turned around into a direction I didn't think it would go this year. Give me another couple of weeks and I'll be able to tell you. Now I know this is unfair, but I didn't want to let you hanging wondering "why isn't she updating? Has she been raptured?" Only, everything else pales into insignificance compared to the last three weeks. So there. Make sense of that. Or not.
Oh and btw, some of you might already know what I'm talking about. That's fine. And if you don't know and would like to know, email me. Only I don't want to put it (yet) on a public board.
Love you all!!
You can't post about how you have something amazing to say and then not tell us what it is!!!
Have you been offered a job as chief chocolate taster for Cadburys? Or maybe you're going to be the new pope, no wait a minute, he's already been picked.
Did you have an open vision in which God revealed when Jesus is going to make his long awaited return?
Well that's enough guessing, I'm going to go e-mail you instead, you better tell me what it is!!!!
That's just MEAN!!
I emailed ya.......
Well guys - I know, but I can't tell :) But its amazing news, and definitely of God. You will all find out soon I'm sure .
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