Thursday, March 24, 2005


Right, that's it. I've had it. I don't want to play anymore.

I don't think I can remember when I last had time to myself, let alone with God (WHAT!!!! I hear you shout...). I can't remember when I last sat down to seriously read my Bible, rather than pick it up and glance at it (I can hear you shout even louder now....).

I am not even on first name terms with God anymore - none of it being His fault...I just didn't fit him into my busy schedule. Biiiig mistake. And a silly one too, seeing that I've been here countless times before. And every time I think I learnt my lesson, bam! I do it again (*sings* oops I did it again....).

So I always get to this point - I go merrily along my way, ignoring danger signs and warnings until I get to near breaking and then God gets my attention. But it would be a lot easier for all concerned (well ok, for me...) if I recognised this earlier and did something about it. As it is I'm at a place now where I can't hear from God b/c I am too far away, and I am too tired (spiritually) to even concentrate on his still small voice. Even re-reading that makes my brain hurt. Does it make any sense? Does it matter if it doesn't? I knwo what I mean....

Anyway, thanks for visiting. Do come again.


At 12:16 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lil' Sis..... you do recall the old saying about being TOOOOOOOO busy right?


get the picture???

At 7:08 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


First, I want to say thank you to you because each time we get a chance to chat, you always encourage me in some way. I really appreciate that.

I hate to say this but I really don't understand why so much is required of us when we want to be in ministry. I know that everything you do is perhaps good for you and even fruitful. But as I evaluate some of things people in ministry training must do, I often wonder why so much is neccessary. I don't know the specifics to your busyness (whether everything you do is from and for one source or not) but what I do know is that God wants to spend quiet time with you as much, even more, with you too. I noticed in your post you said, "I just didn't fit Him into my busy schedule" This is oh so familiar when we forget that everything we do is for God and that we are His co-partners (we work alongside Him per se).Which brings me to say that yes, the busyness has become something of its own. Been there before many timea myself.

One of the biggest goals for me (and still is) is to say "no" when I know I can't handle it. If I can do it, anybody can. Ok, that was cheesy :D Take care sweetie.

At 7:10 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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