Saturday, February 19, 2005

Prayer Request

Ok - I have a prayer request. On Monday, at 2 PM (British time) I am going to see the Diocesan Director of Ordinands, for my second meeting. This is an important meeting, as basically I will find out if there is any point in trying to get in to training this academic year, or if I will have to resign myself to the fact that it will be another year before God will allow me to move into that part of my life.

To tell the truth, I am frightened. If it's a "nay" then that means that there will be another year of "in betweens" and accepting charity (good for my pride ;-) ). And I'm not sure how well I will cope with another year of in-betweens (never mind the charity).

If it's a "yay" then the pressure point is going to be the selection conference (two day conference with 3 interviews, team work excercises, aptitude tests, etc) and what if I get rejected? LOL so in a way I can't win. I'll be nervous whichever way it goes.

So I would appreciate prayers for peace of mind and for God's will to be done. Even though that sounds like a very "holy" request, I have come to the point where I don't really want to do anything that isn't God's will. So if it's God's will that I hang around here for another year, then so be it.

Would you also pray for wisdom and insight for the guy - his name is Peter. Thank you all so much!!


At 2:25 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'ma prayin' for ya!

Whatever happens, don't you dare give up!

At 11:38 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I already told you but I'll say it again. I'll be praying for you like crazy. And particularly for peace with whatever the outcome. I trust and know God will see that the right decision is made.


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