Monday, January 24, 2005


I wonder about motives. What makes people do what they do? For example, me, why do I like the teaching ministry? Do I like it because I can pass on God’s truths to people or do I like it because it puts the spotlight on me for a little while? Because it makes me look important? Because it gives me status? And when does that start to become a negative motive rather than something that contributes to the fun aspect of it?

And whilst we’re at it - why do I want to offer for ordination in the CofE? Status? Or a genuine desire to serve God? Would I be as cheerfully serving if God had called me to be the cleaner in my church? And, again, where does this become a negative? I mean, this is what God made me - he made me to be a leader. He made me to be good at teaching. So it’s only natural that I enjoy doing what I'm good at. But where does it stop being a genuine rejoicing in being in the right place doing what God has called me to do and become something more sinister?

It becomes something sinister when I take my eyes off God and on the achievements. When I rejoice more in the praise of men than in the approval of God. And I used the word “when” rather than “if” because it is bound to happen. As soon as pride comes in and as soon as God becomes the secondary motive, my heart gets mixed up and I take my eyes of the One who really matters and put them onto other things. Until, thankfully, God draws me back by His amazing grace, mercy and patience, to sit at his feet and receive the only thing that matters - His approval, and His love.


At 1:18 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wanting glory for ourselves is very human isn't it. I see it all the time, at work & elsewhere - and, yes I'm guilty of it too, it's so easy to slip into. Yet that isnt what God wants of us - He wants us to serve Him and to do His will and to give Him the glory. One thing that I think is true about the teaching ministry is that you may not always even know the effect that you have had on a life. Maybe a seed is planted by your teaching that wont germinate for years - or maybe you will have helped nurture a seed already planted. Only God knows these things not us, because they are for His glory not ours. But if we follow Him, love Him and use our gifts for His glory, He has a wonderful place for us in eternity.

Just my few thoughts


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