Work work work
I just spent three days at work doing quotes. And quotes. Oh and did I mention quotes? How come that, when you set out to do a particular job, the world seems to conspire to keep you from doing it? I've never had so many queries, important and silly, as i've had over these last three days. Very annoying.But I did get a good chunk of the work done, so I shouldn't complain. Other than that, not much going on.
Oh I am studying "the Kingdom of God" in my course. So, what do people think the Kingdom of God is? Leave a comment!
The Kingdom of God will be fulfilled in it's totality when Jesus comes back to reign on the earth, of course, but I believe we can have a taste of it beforehand.
When Jesus told us to pray "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven", He was saying, "When a heavenly principle is manifest on earth, then the kingdom of God has come to you."
So when the sick are healed, a bit of the kingdom of God has come to earth. When we forgive those who despise us, a bit of the kingdom of God has come to earth. When we worship, a bit of the kingdom of God has come to earth, etc.
Can there be greater delight on planet earth today than living out the principles that will govern the universe for eternity?
-Andy, IHOP Kansas City
As Andy said, Jesus told us to pray 'Your Kingdom come, on Earth as in Heaven'
The Kingdom of God is when Earth is the same as Heaven, or in other words when Heaven comes to Earth. It's when we see signs and wonders on the streets, when we see the sick healed, when we go out and prophesy over complete strangers.
If we pray for God's Kingdom to come to Earth it will, I've seen a bit of it and it's incredible!
This is what we've been doing in Toronto this month, it's the Signs & Wonders School and we've been learning how to bring the Kingdom of God to Earth. Then we've been going out and doing it and do you know something? It works!!!
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