Sunday, January 16, 2005


It's over. And it went really well actually. Gratifyingly, after the excercise at the end, there were a few tears with people here and there. Result! :-D

I know, I shouldn't be looking for anything like that, just trust that God is working even if I can't see it, but hey, I'm only human. So it went really well, even though it really does not resemble the original teaching much anymore, apart from the four keys. Never mind, it seems to work.

Well today I went to another church than my beloved St Andrews. I went to St John's and had the joy of taking part in the sung Eucharist. Yes, you heard right. The things you do for love (for God). Seeing that he seems to be really serious about calling me into the Anglican tradition, I need to learn a bit about the whole expression of the Anglican communion (or so my Vocations Consultant says). I must admit (publicly) that I was amazed when I first started going to other churches. I might be stating the obvious here, but actually, God was there, too! Ok I just re-read it and I AM stating the obvious. But do you know what I mean? You go to a church for years and years and get used to a style of worship because it suits you, and you start thinking that you won't encounter God in any other way. Or at least that's what I was thinking. And then you go somewhere that's totally opposite of what you are used to (and let's face it, a sung Eucharist is probably as far away from my experience as Timbuktu is from England) and you discover that God speaks to you through that as well - sometimes even more powerfully simply because of the surprise effect.

So here I am, having been struggling for a little while with the idea of "calling". What is a calling, how do you define calling and why would I be called as opposed to others? At the same time I'm struggling to spend any significant time with God - seems to me like I'm avoiding it at all costs, although why is a bit of a mystery. Well the sermon at this church this morning was all about calling - we all have a calling to discipleship. And first and foremost, our calling is to intimacy with God and a love relationship with him. Everything else will proceed out of that. I sat in my pew (and it was a *real* pew!) and was crying. God SO knew I had to hear that!


At 10:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well it certainly has been and interesting weekend. Very encouraging - I love it when God turns up.

I just spotted your picture - the Soup Dragon (hurray for the Soup Dragon!). I need to teach you how to speak Soup Dragon now (it's distantly related to Whale you know). Now I bet THAT has caused some head scratching across the pond :)



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