Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Panic Stations

Yesterday I went to a funeral. The circumstances were very tragic, it was the son of one of our church members, who died in a car crash at the age of 23. The crem was packed out - people standing outside.

But what really hit me right between the eyes was the fact that, in a few years, I will have to stand up front there and do the funeral service bit. I never even considered that before (call me ignorant if you like). I mean, I was aware that funerals would be part of the "job" but being confronted with it like that was a totally different matter. Frightening, but also - how do you put it? - encouraging. If I can be of a bit of comfort to people in impossible situations like that, then the whole thing would already be worth it.

What really frightens me is baptisms - what if I drop the baby??? ;-)


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