Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Three Counties Tour...

Ok so a quick update is in order I think to get you up and running with the Three Counties Tour that took place (in my universe anyway) over the weekend:

Saturday saw me driving down to somewhere near Tonbridge to visit Sandy and Phil. I know how to get there but I don't actually know where exactly they live. It's about 15 mins outside of Tonbridge. Sandy and I went to Burrswood to drink tea and wander around. In the evening, we went to the Spotted Dog Pub, where we consumed massive amounts of wine, ate mini-salami-like sausages and put the world to rights. A VERY nice time was had by all I think.

Sunday I drove from Tonbridge to Crawley, in order to attend the morning service at my sending church . This was followed by a very nice roast lunch at 'the vicar's house' - thanks Lynne for doing a great roast beef. No cucumber sandwiches or sherry in sight I'm pleased to report!

From there I went on to Alton in Hampshire, to admire the new house of my very good friends (and oldest friends in England! I met them on holiday in July 1996, and moved to England in September 1996). They now live in an old Oast House, which has been amazingly renovated and decorated (the latter being Janice's skill). Beautiful proportions to the house and a lovely area. Monday Janice and I went exploring in Alton and had lunch at a lovely italian cafe. Then I went back to Nottingham.

Tomorrow I'm going to my Fresh Expressions of Church placement in Chesham in Herts ( I let you know what I think once I know myself.


At 9:44 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to see you on Sunday - glad we had a chance to talk this time! How was the music???!!!

At 10:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to prove that I came to have a look - can't wait to catch up properly. :-)

At 4:17 pm, Blogger Ciera said...

sounds busy

At 10:36 pm, Blogger Alcuin Bramerton said...

What is your main focus, Kat? Churchianity or Christianity? They are two very different religions these days.


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