Xmas Parties and End of Term
Thursday night was Christmas party time here at college - everyone dressed up in glad rags and the social team excelled themselves and decorated the entrance and everything in a Narnia theme - complete with street lamp, white curtains, snowflakes all over the place and so on. It was magical.The dinner that night was Christmas dinner, cooked fantastically - all the trimmings included. Then we moved to the chapel which was decked out as a party hall, and had some live music to begin with and then a DJ. Here you were treated to a bunch of wannabe vicars standing in a circle and doing the actions to 'YMCA'. Glad the press wasn't there! :-)
So today is the first day of the Christmas break. To treat myself, I slept til ten past ten, aided by a couple of mugs of Winter Pimms with Apple juice (hot). Loooovely. I have decided to have fun today (not sure how to do that yet, though!) and not worry about essays or anything (oops, I said it). So I shall have a leisurely breakfast, some quality time with God, go for a walk or something and play with my new digital camera. The weather outside is glorious - lovely sunshine, and not a cloud anywhere to be seen.
That'll be that special non-alcoholic clergy friendly Pimms I assume :)
Hey there's a thought - Communion Pimms!
I used to work at a YMCA. We didn't have any beds there though, so there was no one sleeping there!!!!
Just had a glass of Winter Pimms with Catherine.
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