Weddings and Start of Term
Congratulations to Clair and Jeremy!!!! Clair is now Mrs Brown. And therefore grown up.I went to their wedding on Saturday, which was a lovely occasion. Loads of people there, the service was fantastic, loads of worship songs. It all went off without a hitch and now they're off on honeymoon, somewhere on Dartmoor I understand.
I took the opportunity to catch up with friends at my home church. I've only been away for two weeks, but it feels like ages, so much has happened in between.
Today was start of term, we had the start of term communion service and Christina talked on 1 John 2:20 "But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth." Basically, we don't need teaching anymore - we know it all already! Serious though - she said she wants us to invite the Holy Spirit to be our first and foremost teacher this year, and see the lecturers more like 'helpers'. Great talk! The worship was good, too. Even though we *did* use the Book of Common Prayer (I guess it's an Anglican college after all...).
So tomorrow lectures begin with four hours (!) of "Church and Ministry". I just read a chapter of a book called Models of Church. Totally incomprehensible. I had to use a dictionary to look up certain words which I had never come across before. And before you ask, that has *never, ever* happened to me before!!!!! Not even when I was studying Business at Aston.
I can see that you will be truly blessed at college; you must check www it's the website of the prayer book society; I'm sure you will want to join soon!
Seriously, it is a great book, but I wouldn't want to use it all the time now.
Take care Georgie x
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